1. Module 1: Speaking (17 video lessons)
- You will learn 4 fundamentals, and exact strategy for each of the 5 tasks in the speaking section. You will develop skills as a non-native English speaker.
- You will also get a ton of questions with their model answers to prepare beforehand. Since PTE repeats questions, this will prepare you in advance.
- You will also see my live-demos of applying those strategies to solve each task in real-time.
2. Module 2: Writing (12 video lessons)
- You will learn 2 fundamentals, and the exact structure to know what goes in each line of essay and summarise written text tasks.
- You will get real questions with answers to prepare using the hacks and strategies explained.
- You will also see live-demos of how I effortlessly tackle writing tasks by dividing them into small easy-to-handle chunks.
3. Module 3: Reading (17 video lessons)
- You will learn 3 fundamentals that will double your reading speed and help you understand passages even when you are not an avid reader.
- You will also learn exclusive strategies for each of the 5 tasks in the reading section, together with getting a ton of real questions with answers to practice.
- I will also be solving each task in real-time explaining to you my thought process and how to apply those strategies.
4. Module 4: Listening (20 videos lessons)
- You will learn the art of Smart Note-Taking that will increase your listening score by 10 almost overnight. You will also learn to avoid traps, and get strategies to approach each task in the listening section.
- You will also see me do dozens of listening questions with an insight into my mind. Of course, I will deconstruct it for you during and after the test.
- You will also get 100+ tasks with audio recordings and answers for practice.